You have questions, we have answers! Our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section has been curated by our partners to provide clarity as you begin your partnership with us!

What is the time frame for launching?

You should be able to open in as few as 1.5 to 3 months, it depends on how quickly you complete pre-opening steps and training.

Is it mandatory for me to be a proprietor and operator?

No, but ideally an owner should be involved, whether as a manager or in areas such as marketing and community development.

Is it possible for me to own multiple territories?

Yes. We believe some owners will operate multiple territories. We offer discounts on initial franchise fees for owners who commit up front to additional territories.

What is the required number of employees to run the business?

Start with 2 to 4 employees. We have a growth-oriented strategy for adding key team members in the areas of Sales, Admin and Field Operations to help you not only launch, but to develop your business.

What is the initial investment required and what expenses does it encompass?

Currently, the range of investment is from $117,400-$160,000 which includes the $50,000 initial franchise fee. Other estimated costs include 3rd party professional advisory fees, insurance and 3-months of working capital.

How much can a territory bring in each year?

We can’t predict this for you, but you can set goals and work to achieve them. We know you are ready to work harder for yourself than you would for someone else and your drive to succeed is up to you. To help you model out your plan, we will proudly share our Item 19, our Financial Performance Representation, which is in our Franchise Disclosure Document. This includes our affiliate performance and sales history with a gross profit model. This can be a useful tool to help you evaluate the revenue potential for your Light Your Night business.



Providing a “holiday ambiance” to a residential neighborhood, Light Your Night fully customizes the design with homeowners, installs with our insured and experienced team, removes all the lights when the holiday season ends, and stores them until next fall! No more untangling wires, climbing ladders and taking up storage for your customers!



The initial interaction with a customer can make or break a business. Failing to impress during this crucial moment may result in lost sales or missed referrals. Light Your Night’s holiday installation can help transform visitors into loyal customers by creating an ambiance that offers more than just visual appeal, but an immersive experience.


Light Your Night Partner Lights For Christmas
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Light Your Night Problems for Consumers